Thursday 20 September 2012


In life we need aims, goals, objectives, whatever you want to call them. We need something to work towards whether it be finishing that novel started on graduation back in 1973 or re-tiling the bathroom before Christmas so that your mother-in-law can't complain about the moulding grout again.

The key is knowing how to set a series of small, achievable targets. Manageable is the operative word here: if we set unrealistic or daunting targets we will either a) never get around to starting them purely because they are so daunting, or, b) become demoralised by our own lack of motivation.

When I am writing, I need to set very small targets, such as 'write 150 words by 11am', and then, when I over-achieve, I feel positive and am more likely to work productively beyond 11am. What I must be careful not to do is set targets such as, 'complete editing of chapters 2-7 by the end of the day' as then, by 11am, when I have barely made a dent in such an overly-ambitious task, I am ready for a G&T, let alone a coffee break.

This blog provides an excellent case-study: when I started it, I aimed to write a post a day. Instead, I haven't been able to write a word for well over two weeks. I now realise I am too busy to work to such a schedule and shall work towards writing a post a week.

All successful businesses set goals, all unsuccessful businesses set unrealistic ones. Productivity is key to success and further productivity, so take a shot at a bit of target practice.

About Me

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I thrive on the pursuit and acquisition of knowledge
